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Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

The best digital marketing company is important for every business. A business can get better idea of which marketing is best and how should be applied. But the problem is where to spend it when it comes to digital marketing vs traditional marketing. For every business, choosing the best digital marketing company is not easy. This decision makes a huge impact in their results.

There are two types of Marketing.

  1. Traditional marketing
  2. Digital marketing

What is Traditional Marketing?

         Traditional marketing is helps to reach out to a semi targeted audience with different offline promotions and advertisements.

Some of the common traditional marketing categories,

  1. Broadcast  (Television, Radio, etc.)
  2. Telephone (sms marketing, telemarketing)
  3. Direct mail (catalogues, postcards)
  4. Outdoor ( billboards, fliers)
  5. Print (magazines, newspaper)

What is Digital marketing?

  Digital marketing is products or services using digital technologies to reach and covert leads into customers and retain them.

  Any business can use digital marketing to reach out to their target audience. Internet is one of the most used tools in the world. If you look at the past decade, online marketing has grown amazingly.

What do the stats say?

More than 80% of buyers do their research online before investing in a product or service. Almost 60% of US adults use social media on a regular basis. There are 95% of B2B marketers are using LinkedIn for marketing. 90% B2C businesses report social media is the most effective content making platform.

Why choose Digital Marketing?

  1. Less expensive and more effective
  2. Bigger audience range
  3. Ease of measuring results
  4. Customer Engagement

1. Less expensive and more effective

Traditional marketing doesn’t allow direct interaction with customers, But digital marketing allows a direct engagement and interaction. Your target audience is easily connected with you via various digital marketing channels. Digital marketing lets you can engage with your customers and solve their problems.

 2. Bigger audience range

By using digital marketing, you can create a best customized campaign and improve your reach to different cities or countries. So say goodbye to the traditional marketing and say hello to digital marketing that lets you alter your campaign.

3. Ease of measuring results

Digital marketing lets you measure results. You have get information about your target audience and customers to help you understand where you are going. You can know about how many people are visiting and leaving your website. When you give brochures, fliers or advertise in magazines, you don’t know how your result is going to be successful.

4. Customer Engagement

Your target audience is instantly engaged with your business through various digital marketing channels. Your business performs better when it fulfill requirements of your customers. Whether it is from social media comments or email messages.

Decision time:

Hope that you can understand with stats and facts that Digital Marketing is definitely the best advertise platform for any business. If you’ve already tried traditional marketing and haven’t seen the growth and results you wanted, then give digital marketing. There is low risk and great reward. Let start your digital marketing campaign.

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