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What is Codeigniter and its advantages?

Codeigniter is a PHP Framework built for the developer who needs a simple tool kit to create web applications. Codeigniter is an application development framework to build web sites using PHP. By using the Codeigniter framework developer can develop the applications much faster and also the amount of code needed will be reduced.

Codeigniter is one of the best PHP frameworks in web application development, if you want to develop the web application in a better way then the option will be only frameworks, When you compare it with other frameworks Codeigniter is fast its time and speed is significant. You can modify existing codes by using the PHP framework. PHP is a server-side scripting language in PHP software development, PHP programming or PHP application development or outsourcing PHP it is used.

Codeigniter developers are the best part of the PHP framework for web application development, when you need a framework you can prefer Cake PHP and Zend Framework (as a toolkit) for users who design websites using PHP.

Codeigniter has many inbuilt library classes for several complicated functionalities

 Following are the features of CodeIgniter

·       MVC – (Model-View-Controller) Based System

·       Extremely Light Weight

·       Full Featured database classes.

·       Active Record Database Support

·       Form and Data Validation

·       Security and XSS Filtering

·       Session Management

· Email Sending Supports Attachments

·       Image Manipulation (cropping, resizing, rotating, etc.)

·       File Uploading Class

·       FTP Class

·       Localization

·       Data Encryption

·       Benchmarking

·       Full Page Caching

·       Error Logging

·       Application Profiling

·       Calendaring Class

·       User Agent Class

·       Zip Encoding Class

·       Template Engine Class

·       Trackback Class

· XML-RPC Library

·       Unit Testing Class

·       Search-engine Friendly URLs

·       Flexible URI Routing

Security features:

URI Security

Codeigniter helps to minimize the possibility of malicious data that can be passed to your application.

Register globals

During system initialization all variables that are found to exist in the GET, POST, REQUEST, and COOKIE are unset.


It is typically good to “disable” PHP’s error reporting by setting the internal display_errors flag to a value of 0. This will disable the native PHP errors.


The magic quotes runtime is turned off during the system initialization so that you don’t have to remove slashes when retrieving the data from your database.

Best Practices

Before accepting any data into your application,

1. Validate the data to ensure it conforms to the exact type, length, size, etc.

2. Filter the data.

3. Escape the data before submitting it to your database or outputting it to a browser.

XSS Filtering

Codeigniter comes with a Cross-Site Scripting XSS filter. This filter is a commonly used technique to embed malicious JavaScript into your data, that attempts to hijack cookies or do other malicious things.

CSRF protection

CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery is the process of an attacker tricking their victim into unknowingly submitting a request.

Password handling

You must handle passwords in your application properly.

·       Do not store passwords in as plain-text.

·       Don’t use Base64 or related encoding for storing passwords.

·       Don’t use weak or broken hashing algorithms.

·       Don’t display or send a password in plain-text!

·       Don’t put unnecessary limits on users’ passwords.


·       Codeigniter is fast, reliable, lightweight.

·       PHP framework is an easy debug that allows you to get out the errors during the development.

·       In web Development, many features are almost the same so that you can describe the same code in a different way.

·       Codeigniter PHP Development is the easiest way to use modular programs.

·       Codeigniter is compatible with most general web servers, numerous operating systems, and platforms.

·       Codeigniter has an amazing performance as well as presentation.

We, Adhoc Codeigniter programmers provide quick deployment of Codeigniter development projects and reliable support for ongoing projects. Hence, when you are looking for a specific requirement in your niche, our Codeigniter web developers help you to fulfill your requirements.

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